Conference program

Nice to have you on this page to see what we will talk about during the conference. The program is ready, however come back here regularly and check out for eventual updates.


Jos Benschop

ASML, The Netherlands

EUV Lithography, status and prospects (keynote)


Wolfgang Werner

TU Wien, Institute of Applied Physics, Austria

Energy Dissipation of Fast Electrons in Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA):
Towards a Universal Curve for Electron Beam Attenuation in Solids between 0eV and Relativistic Energies


Myung Mo Sung

Hanyang University, South Korea

Hybrid Multilayer EUV Dry Resist for 1.5 nm Technology Node


Toshiyuki Taniuchi

University of Tokyo, Japan

Laser-based photoemission electron microscopy for the semiconductor industry


Sonia Castellanos Ortega

INPRIA Corp., United States

Everything industry always wanted to know about LEES (*but was too hard to measure)


Alessandra Bellissimo

TU Wien, Institute of Photonics, Austria

Low-Energy Electrons near Surfaces: Mechanisms and Dynamics


Cornelia Rodenburg

University of Sheffield, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, United Kingdom

SEE MORE: Secondary Electron Emission - Mapping Order & chemical Reactions/bonding


Petra Swiderek

Bremen University, Institute for Applied and Physical Chemistry,

Beyond the design of FEBID precursors. Exploring the chemistry of process gases and thermal surface reactions. (keynote)


Andrew Pratt

University of York, School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, United Kingdom

Low energy electron generation through metastable helium de-excitation at solid surfaces


Didier Sébilleau

University of Rennes, Institute of Physics, France

What is the influence of the band structure on the dielectric function


Paola Bolognesi

Institute of Matter Structure, CNR (Rome), Italy

Low energy electrons on biomolecules, challenges and opportunities


Filipe Ferreira da Silva

NOVA School of science and technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Low energy interactions with perfluorophenyl trifluoromethanesulfonate EUVL photoresist material



Monday 9 September

08:00 - 09:00

Badge pickup and coffee

imec 1 hall

09:00 - 09:15

LE2AP+LEELIS conference welcoming and opening remarks

imec 1 auditorium

09:15 - 10:00

Jos Benschop, ASML, the Netherlands

EUV Lithography, status and prospects - keynote

10:00 - 10:30

Sonia Castellanos Ortega, INPRIA Corp., USA

Everything industry always wanted to know about LEES (*but was too hard to measure) - invited

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

imec 1 hall

11:00 - 11:20

Sascha Brose, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Design and realization of an in-lab EUV dual beamline  for industrial and scientific applications

11:20 - 11:50

Wolfgang Werner, TU Wien, Austria

Energy dissipation of fast electrons in PMMA - invited

11:50 - 12:10

Lois Fernández Míguez, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Molecular-scale kinetic Monte Carlo simulation model of pattern formation in EUV photoresists

12:10 - 13:30


imec 1 hall

13:30 - 14:00

Andrew Pratt, University of York, UK

Low energy electron generation through metastable helium de-excitation at solid surfaces - invited

14:00 - 14:20

Sylvie Rangan, Rutgers University, USA

Secondary electron yields, electronic structure, and chemical environment of surfaces

14:20 - 14:50

Alessandra Bellissimo, TU Wien, Austria

Low-energy electrons near surfaces: mechanisms and dynamics - invited

14:50 - 15:10

Alice Apponi, Università Roma Tre and INFN,  Italy

Transmission through graphene of electrons in the 30 - 900 eV range

15:10 - 15:40

Coffee break

imec 1 hall

15:40 - 16:10

Cornelia Rodenburg, University of Sheffield, UK (pres. A. Pratt)

SEE MORE: Secondary Electron Emission - Mapping Order & chemical Reactions/bonding - invited

16:10 - 16:30

Maarten van Es , TNO, the Netherlands

Spatially resolved chemical metrology on EUV resist

16:30 - 19:00

Poster session

Tent outside imec 2

Georghii Tchoudinov

Metal Oxide Photoresist electronic spectroscopic quantities and Low Electron Energy Charge Density generation

University of Camerino and IOM-CNR, Italy

Gayoung Kim

Fluorinated Organic Compounds as Candidates for EUV Lithographic Patterning

Inha University, South Korea

Li-Ting Tseng

Development of negative tone resist towards high sensitivity

PiBond Oy, Finland

Elchin Huseynov

Evaluating radiation effects on the nanocrystalline TiC particles Using FTIR spectroscopy

Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan

Mohammad Saifullah

Decoding Mechanistic Aspects of Resist Exposure in Electron Beam & Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography

PiBond Oy, Finland

Fabian Holzmeier

Dissociative Photoionization of EUV Lithography Photoresist Proxies

imec, Belgium

Vasil Yordanov

A semiclassical kinematic photoemission model for secondary electrons in solids

imec, Belgium and Purdue University, USA

Hanna Boeckers

Electron-induced deposition using Fe(CO)4MA and Fe(CO)5 – Effect of MA ligand and process conditions

University of Bremen, Germany

Cameron Cochrane

Exploring the Reactivity of Novel Resist Materials for Metastable Helium Atom Beam Lithography

University of Birmingham, UK

Shikhar Arvind

Investigating Plasma Interaction with Ultrathin photoresists for EUV Lithography

imec, Belgium

Gayoung Kim

Approach for Improving Sensitivity of Fluorinated Extreme UV Resist with Electron-rich Vinyl Groups

Inha University, South Korea

Sirorat Toocharoen

Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Polyethylene: Controlling Craze Formation

Shibaura Institute of technology, Japan

Lise Estournet

Experimental assessment of photoresist damage during electron beam exposure

TU Delft, the Netherlands

Yejin Ku

Facile Identification Method of an Effective Highly-Absorbing Element for Extreme UV Lithography

Inha University, South Korea

Jin-Kyun Lee

A Candidate for Positive-tone Metal Oxide EUV Resist

Inha University, South Korea

Felix Blödorn

Energy dissipation of low-energy electrons in PMMA investigated with electron coincidence spectroscopy (SE2ELCS)

TU Wien, Austria

Oddur Ingólfsson

Low energy electron induced fragmentation of 2-(trifluoromethyl) acrylic acid in the gas phase under single collision conditions

University of Iceland, Iceland

Oddur Ingólfsson

Low energy electron induced gas phase fragmentation of CF3AuCNC(CH3)3 under single collision conditions and at elevated pressure

University of Iceland, Iceland

Pedro Guerra

Electron-induced chemistry in EUVL photoresist materials: study on perfluorophenyl trifluoromethanesulfonate

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal

Simon Gillard

Investigation of energy dissipation and electron beam attenuation of LEEs in DNA

TU Wien, Austria

Cheng Wang

Time-dependent characterization of total electron yield and outgassing in model EUV resist materials

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA

Faegheh Sajjadian

Isolating the role of photoionization in extreme ultraviolet exposure of co-polymers present in chemically amplified photoresists by gas phase electron-ion coincidence experiments

imec, Belgium

Veronika Stara

Electron-Induced Phase Transition of Organic Semiconductors in LEEM

CEITEC, Czech Republic

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

08:00 - 09:00

Badge pickup and coffee

09:00 - 09:15

LE2AP+LEELIS conference welcoming and opening remarks

09:15 - 09:45

Myung Mo Sung, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea

Hybrid multilayer EUV dry resist for 1.5 nm technology node - invited

09:45 - 10:05

Kevin Dorney, imec, Belgium

Mechanistic insights of exposure and process chemistry of metal oxide photoresist materials

10:05 - 10:25

Jin-Kyun Lee, Inha University, Republic of Korea

EUV resists exploiting the Lewis acid-lewis base interaction chemistry

10:25 - 10:55

Coffee break

imec 1 hall

10:55 - 11:15

Bilal Navqi, KU Leuven and imec, Belgium

Finding the sensitivity and resolution tradeoff in EUV resist (PReRAC) by comparing radical and acid amplified cross-linking

11:15 - 11:35

Yejin Ku, Inha University, Republic of Korea

Resist-underlayer bilayer stack system for improving patterning performance

11:35 - 11:55

Howard Fairbrother, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Zinc-imidazolate films as an all-dry resist technology

11:55 - 13:15


imec 1 hall

13:15 - 13:45

Toshiyuki Taniuchi, University of Tokyo, Japan

Laser-based photoemission electron microscopy for the semiconductor industry - invited

13:45 - 14:05

Timon Fliervoet, ASML and TU Delft, the Netherlands

System State: standardization of image-based diagnostics and verification for low voltage e-beam inspection and metrology tools

14:05 - 14:25

Takeyoshi Ohashi, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan

Novel low energy electron beam techniques for semiconductor manufacturing

14:25 - 14:45

John Xanthakis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

A self-consistent Schroedinger - Laplace calculation of electron emission from nanometric curvature surfaces

14:45 - 15:15

Coffee break

imec 1 hall

15:15 - 15:45

Paola Bolognesi, Institute of Matter Structure, CNR, Italy

Low energy electrons on biomolecules, challenges and opportunities - invited

15:45 - 16:05

Juraj Fedor, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Electron-induced processes in liquid microjets: spectroscopy and reactivity

16:05 - 16:15

Closing remarks 2nd day

imec 1 auditorium

18:00 - 19:00

Welcome and reception at Leuven City Hall

19:00 - 19:30

Walking to social dinner event

19:30 - 23:00

Social event dinner at De Hoorn

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

07:30 - 08:30

Badge pickup and coffee

imec 1 hall

08:30 - 08:45

LE2AP+LEELIS conference welcoming and opening remarks

imec 1 auditorium

08:45 - 09:30

Petra Swiderek, Bremen University, Germany

Beyond the design of FEBID precursors. Exploring the chemistry of process gases and thermal surface reactions - keynote

09:30 - 10:30

Industrial pitch, All sponsors

5 minutes each

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

imec 1 hall

11:00 - 11:30

Filipe Ferreira da Silva, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal

Low energy interactions with perfluorophenyl trifluoromethanesulfonate EUVL photoresist - invited

11:30 - 11:50

Toru Fujimori, FUJIFILM Corporation, Japan

EUV CAR-NTD with new developer for stochastic reduction

11:50 - 12:10

Carmen Popescu, Irresistible Materials, UK

Multi Trigger Resist for high-NA

12:10 - 12:40

Didier Sébilleau, University of Rennes, France

What is the influence of the band structure on the dielectric function? - invited

12:40 - 13:00

Best Paper Award
LE2AP+LEELIS closing remarks and adjourn

imec 1 auditorium

13:00 - 14:00

Lunchbox and end of the conference

imec 1 hall

14:00 - 15:00

Optional visit of imec 300mm cleanroom (window tour) - registration onsite at the conference reception desk required (only for conference participants)